Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Church, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, 1992

Band: Rubber Bug
Members: Gary (v), Ross (d), Big D (b), Carl (g)
Guitar Setup: Fender Stratocaster, Mesa Boogie Mark II+ combo, Marshall Gov'ner, Jim Dunlop Wah

Like any self respecting band we also practiced in a church.

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The church was shared by practitioners of Faith in the daytime, and Greenacres and Rubber Bug in the night.

Robbie had gone to Sydney to play with the Died Pretty, Mr Id has gone to the UK to hang out with Stewart from Reptile House.
Rubber Bug adopted the MLO mixer Big D on bass.

Big D always had the bass gear, it sounded loose, deep, distorted, rich. The Bowel Movement we called it.

MLO songs were ditched and new songs were written, much inspired by the pregrunge US indie sound. Misguided? No question.

Ross used to play tennis with the organizer of Brisbane's biggest music festival, Livid, and bingo, we got an opening spot.

As a minor support band we were scheduled to play as soon as the gates opened. It was so early, I remember the mixer eating cornflakes. I have been told this wasn't true, but I distinctly recall it.

Discerning critiques of rock will go to these festivals to see the early bands, because their appearance is rare and to witness their potential, and the late bands, because of their appearance is rare and to witness what was once their potential. I'm serious.

We performed, we packed down, and I think I had a bacon and egg roll. What seemed like 48 hours later I was hearing Nick and Kylie doing Wild Rose, from under a tonne of VBs in the prone position.

I thought I'd be better off buying a ticket next time. But we were on it again the following year.

Rubber Bug played for many years. Here's the only track that survived from MLO, written by Robbie and Gary. It's a great tune, the guitar line is a version of the scales in Joe Diorio's Intervallic Designs. The scratched record ending lost on generations.

If I can

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